Caribbean Sailing Seasons

The Islands of the Caribbean have a tropical weather system all of their own. This really affects the sailing season and subsequently when our guests can get the most enjoyment out of their stay on Sea Pearl.

Winter – (as it’s in the Northern Hemisphere) Warm with light to Stiff breeze

December to May is the Central Caribbean’s Sailing Season

The winds are fairly consistent and therefore great for sailing.
The rain comes in short bursts occasionally, cooling things off, and temperatures are warm enough for swimming in the refreshing sea by day, with a delicious warmth in the evenings that makes you want to be outside stargazing all night.

Average temperatures range from 24 – 32C / 75 – 90F.
This is the time of year you want to come sailing with us in the Caribbean.

Summer – Time to go South

June to November is the Central Caribbean Hurricane Season BUT, great conditions in the Southern Caribbean/Panama Area.

Now is the time that we need to be out of the Hurricane Belt (which is most of the Central Caribbean) because of the Tropical Storms that will punctuate the very hot, humid weather there. So we sail south to the ABCs, San Blas & Panama, where the season extends right through the year.

This is the season when we head south towards Panama, via the San Blas Islands, where the winds & currents are lighter.

The water is even more clear over Summer, to navigate the coral heads and white sand-bars scattered with palm trees, and the visibility for snorkeling is amazing.

For answers to other questions you may have about planning your trip, check out our FAQs page or get in touch.