#7 – Purchasing on the Move

We like to be constantly on the move as we sail around the world. But when we stop for a while, we use that time to find a postal address to receive shipping. The most important of those items will be boat spares for repairs, but you need a fixed postal address for any online purchases to be shipped to you. This is often, a preferable way to purchase good quality items, instead of buying the only, imperfect, overpriced item that you could find in that pretty coastal town.

Check with your Marina, or Harbourmaster if they can receive goods for you there. Phone ahead to a shipping office such as E-Zone, DHL or UPS etc, for them to receive that urgent replacement part while you’re on route there? Or in more remote, isolated places, you may be able to arrange with a local business, to use their address to receive your shipping. Don’t forget to allow extra time and money for your goods to clear customs.

The duties and clearance needed for foreign goods imported into some countries can sometimes double the cost and waiting time. So, plan ahead for your shipping and stock up when you arrive somewhere that customs charges and shipping times will be less.