And everything in its place. Designate a locker or position for every item you bring onto your boat and know where that place is.
Ship’s Inventory is the best way to do this, but rarely achieved or fully comprehensive, especially with ever-changing food items. There are Inventory Apps you can get on your mobile, but they take perseverance to establish and keep up.
Prioritise the items you use the most into the easiest to access lockers, and the rarely used but occasionally needed equipment into the difficult to reach depths. We are aware of which spaces in the bilge stay completely dry and which can get damp or wet sometimes so we can store appropriate items in these spaces.
If you don’t know where you can store a new item, you probably shouldn’t bring it onboard. How is it that we can constantly loose items in such a small space?
Just a “little pearl” for you to consider when choosing the Cruising Lifestyle.